
Hyundai Corporation Holdings' endless path of change and innovation on the road to new opportunities into a wider world beyond countless boundaries

Employees’ Donation Delivery to a Small, Beautiful Disability Children Community

2021. 12. 21

– Hyundai Corporation Group Employees’ Delivery of Donations amounting to   7,380,000 won to the Seoul Raphael’s House –




Hyundai Corporation Group’s ‘Volunteer Service Group visited the <Seoul Raphael’s House>, i.e. a welfare facility located at Chebu-dong, Jongno-gu, Seoul-si on the morning of the 21st (Tues) to deliver the donation amounting to 7,380,000 won in total which was collected from ‘the 2021 Year-end Neighborly Love Support Campaign.’’



The <Seoul Raphael’s House> dreaming of ‘A Small Beautiful Community for Children with Disabilities has been operated for over four decades until the present since it was established in 1979 with the aim to care for the children with multiple, severe disabilities in a warm-hearted atmosphere like a general family.



The super intendant Park, Jeong-mi (the third person from the left in the above photo), who was delivered a donation on the day, expressed her gratitude, saying “I am much obliged to Hyundai Corporation Group’s Volunteer Service Group for a big help like this at the end of the year continuously even after giving us article support in the first half of the year” while feeling sorry that the visiting group members couldn’t enter the facility due to COVID-19 pandemic, and the super intendant again expressed her thanks, saying “I will make good use of your donations for the children living in the facility.”



The Hyundai Corporation Group’s Volunteer Service Group formed as a gathering of spontaneous volunteers in back 2018, and after its establishment, the group has proceeded with free meal service activity for the company’s neighboring ‘Jongno Slice Room’ dwellers in the vicinity of Jongno 3-ga Station twice a month until the COVID-19 pandemic broke out last year; in addition, in July, 2019, this group provided 200 servings of ginseng chicken soup to dosshouse dwellers so that they could beat the sultry summer season, and in November of the same year, this group also presented the dosshouse with sealing machines for free meal packing.



Further, through the start of ‘fund-raising activity for briquette sharing support’ together with the employees at the head office for warm wintering of the underprivileged’ like the low income bracket and elderly households, etc., the same group collected 6.112,000 won (equivalent to the price for 7,640 briquettes) in 2018, 6,130,000 won (equivalent to the price for 7,663 briquettes) in 2019, and 6,746,000 won (equivalent to the price for 8,432 briquettes) in 2020, respectively as support money, and pushed ahead with briquette sharing support and volunteering activity for Nowon-gu, Baeksa Village and Guryong Village at Gangnam-gu, etc., which are known as a shantytown of Seoul.



At the end of this year, the same group put an end to the past three years’ ‘briquette donation fund-raising activity’ for the low income bracket, but this group was more warmly received than last year by starting another fund-raising campaign for the <Seoul Raphael’s House> which is responding to a call at any time with its warm helping hand, and creating a small, beautiful community for the children with disabilities.