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Sponsorship for 2020 Love Briquette Sharing amid the Cold Wave Brought by COVID-19

2021. 01. 08

– Hyundai Corporation Group Volunteer Group Visits Seoul Briquette Bank in Baeksa Village and Delivers Employee Donations –

▲ Hyundai Corporation Group Volunteer Group raised 6,746,000 won (worth 8,432 briquettes) from its 2020 Briquette Sharing Sponsorship and delivered the donations to the Seoul Briquette Bank to deliver a warm winter for the underprivileged such as the low-income or elderly households.

On the morning of December 24, the Hyundai Corporation Group Volunteer Group visited Seoul Briquette Bank affiliated with the Babsang Community Welfare Foundation which is tending to Baeksa Village in Junggyebon-dong, Nowon-gu, Seoul. The volunteer society delivered the ‘2020 Love Briquette Sharing Sponsorship’ donations collected from the employees of the subsidiaries of the conglomerate through this year. The volunteer group encouraged those volunteers who were working for the health and safety of the underprivileged, such as low-income families and elderly households, in the face of difficulties.

The total amount of donations delivered by the volunteer group on that day was 6,746,000 won, which is about 8,432 briquettes at 800 won per briquette. This donation, which was collected with the warm support of Hyundai Corporation Group’s employees for seven business days from December 2 to 9, will be put to noble purposes through the Seoul Briquette Bank affiliated with the Babsang Community Welfare Foundation, which helps the residents of the underprivileged.

▲ The Hyundai Corporation Group Volunteer Group visited the Seoul Briquette Bank in Baeksa Village, the last shanty town in Seoul on December 24 and delivered the briquette-eyeing donations collected by its employees (on the right in the photo is CEO Ki-bok Huh of Seoul Briquette Bank of the Babsang Community).

(사진 오른쪽이 밥상공동체 서울연탄은행 허기복 대표.)

The volunteer group, which was first created in 2018, has provided free meals for residents of the Jongno flophouses near the company twice a month until February, when the COVID-19 outbreak started in earnest. In August of last year, two hundred servings of samgyetang (chicken soup with ginseng and jujube) were provided to the residents of flophouses to help them overcome the sweltering heat. In the winter of the year before last, we conducted briquette-sharing volunteer activities for the residents of Baeksa Village in Junggyebon-dong, Nowon-gu, and Guryong Village, Gangnam-gu, last winter.